Saying that the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc globally may be a bit of an understatement. It has been almost two years since it was first identified, yet countries across the globe are still reeling from its devastating effects.
The staggering consequences of the pandemic propelled the administration to pool its resources to fight back against COVID-19. This drastic movement changed the government contracting landscape, and there are new top healthcare government contractors on the list.
In fact, in the fiscal year 2020, the federal government awarded a record-high $682 billion worth of if government contracts and $28 billion were earmarked to healthcare contracts focused on curbing the effects of COVID-19.
From aiding in the development of the vaccines to supplying special medical supplies for the protection of the healthcare providers, the administration mobilized the services of the government contractors in the pharmaceutical health and human services industry to assist the nation in recovering from the pandemic.
As of writing, this figure is still predicted to continue its upward trajectory. If you are a private sector business leader who wants to enter the healthcare sector, here are the top 10 health care and medical giants to look out for!
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