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  • Where do I start?

    • Start by reviewing our Checklist and watching our introductory webinar below. This will give you ​an overview of what it takes to become a successful government contractor.
















  • Am I ready for government contracting? *

The Maryland APEX Accelerator considers an entity to be ready for government contracting  when it meets the following criteria:

  1. Has a current Maryland business registration in good standing (Maryland Business Express)

  2. Has a product or service to sell to the government

  3. Business must have past performance experience in either commercial or government work


If your business does not meet these criteria, please contact the Maryland Small Business Development Center at  for help to improve your business status.


  • My business meets the requirements above. How can you help me?​

    • Support with bid package preparation.

    • Pre/post-award contract assistance.

    • Aid with electronic commerce/electronic data interchange.

    • Guidance for small minority, women-owned, and disabled veteran certifications.

    • Referrals to other programs or activities to support businesses when appropriate.

    • Other government contracting resources as needed.

* If you meet the criteria above, register to become a client. Please allow 30 business days for your application to be processed.


  • How can I meet with my counselor?​
    You will receive an email from the MD APEX Accelerator administration with information on your assigned counselor and how to contact them.


  • How can I participate in upcoming training events?

  • Does the APEX Accelerator charge for its services?

    • We do not charge for counseling sessions. We are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense. There may be a fee for some classes to cover our costs.


  •  What are some of the steps for applying for and securing a contract?

    • Get an EIN 

    • Find your NAICS codes and Product Service Codes

    • Register with the System for Award Management (SAM)

    • Work with an APEX Accelerator counselor

    • Pursue opportunities

    • Search bids or sign up for the MD APEX  Bid Match Service

    • Seek sub-contracting or partnering opportunities

    • Build relationships

    • Attend training workshops and networking opportunities​


  • Who does the Federal government buy from?

    • ​The federal government purchases from businesses of all sizes, located throughout the country, for all types of services. Look for opportunities that you are interested in and see what company was awarded the last contract and the terms – you can search or for recent awards.


  • What is a Request for Proposal (RFP)?

    • ​The government Request for Proposal, or RFP, is a process for bidding on government projects. Once a government agency releases an RFP bidders can submit a proposal and attempt to win the work contract. The RFP government bids process is a precise proposal application that is highly regulated.


  • What is the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and what is a ‘Schedule’?

    • ​The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) purchases goods and services of all
      kinds, many of them being commercial or general purpose in nature. The GSA helps other federal and even state and local agencies obtain merchandise and services at volume discount pricing. In terms of the dollar amount of purchases by federal agencies, the GSA is the third largest buyer. GSA Schedule (also referred to as Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) and Federal Supply Schedule ) is a long-term governmentwide contract with commercial firms providing federal, state, and local government buyers access to more than 11 million commercial supplies (products) and services at volume discount pricing.


  • Why is the small business designation important?

    • According to federal laws and regulations, small businesses in general and small businesses in certain socio-economic categories are given special consideration to help them compete in the marketplace. You can start by following the steps at the following U.S. Small Business
      Administration (SBA) page to find out whether your business is small:





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